Information Retrieval Challenge

Period: 13-11-2023 - 02-02-2024University of Twente

Let talented students from the Master Computer Science and the Master Interaction Technology help you out with a challenge related to information retrieval!

Deadline has passed


After learning the basics of Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval and Machine Learning, the master students are ready to put their knowledge all into practice in a data driven consultancy project. You can bring your question and data and let students consult you on what you can (or maybe cannot) learn from your data.

✅ Key features of the challenge

  • Course: Advanced Project in Information Retrieval
  • Programme: Master Computer Science and Master Interaction Technology
  • Students per team: 2-3 students
  • No. of hours spent per team: 200 hours
  • Duration: November 12 – February 2
  • Supervision: Student teams are mostly supervised by researchers in the company.
  • Deliverables: Presentation and report with recommendations. Further scientific publications are welcome.
  • Company time investment: 8-12 hours
  • Participation fee: €750,- (ex tax, charged by Master Challenge (NOT the university)).

📑 Challenge Examples

The student teams can work on challenges that require information retrieval techniques to come up with a solution. Some examples:

  • Landmark and object-based image retrieval
  • Image retrieval from place recognition under image corruption
  • Conversational search in archives & museums
  • Biopsy information integration and retrieval
  • Vehicle type identification from images
  • Chatbot for personal data retrieval

Questions? Want to discuss your challenge before submitting one? Schedule a call here.

🏢 Company requirement

  • Any company (startup/scale-up/corporate/incubator/NGO) with at least two founders/employees working full time in the company.
  • In business for at least 6 months.
  • Available dataset (there is time for data understanding / cleaning, but this should not require too much work).

💰 Costs

To help facilitate this challenge a participation fee of €750,- (ex tax) per team applies (charged by Master Challenge and NOT the university).

❗️You will only be charged when matched to a team.

📨 How to apply

You can submit the challenge directly through the website. Provide a title that summarises the challenge. Subsequently, briefly elaborate on your challenge (max. 150 words).

Click 👉 here for a template you could use.

🗓 Planning

  • November 9: Deadline for submitting your challenge
  • November 9 (or sooner): Receiving message if your challenge is approved by the Course Coordinator
  • November 13-16: Matching phase
  • November 17: Our matching algorithm will create perfect matches
  • November 20: Kick-off meeting with your team (hand over data to the team)
  • January 30, 8:45 – 10:30: Final presentations in time slots of 30 minutes (after you are matched to a team, we will schedule the time slots).
  • February 2: Receive the final report

Challenge submission expired

You can't submit new challenges for this space. Leave your details below and we will let you know when this space starts again.

Don't miss out on the rest?

Want to discuss your challenge before submitting one?