Explore Challenge Spaces
A challenge space describes what kind of challenges are requested for a specific course. Submit a short-term real-life challenge. Any questions? Or would you like to discuss a potential challenge?
Submit Open ChallengeMarketing Communications
The minor offers a broad range of topics, with the focus on the field of Marketing Communications. Next to this the students work in small project groups on a real-life case, where they develop a marketing communications plan and provide creative products for their client.
Digital Business and E-Commerce development
Let a multi-disciplinary team of bachelor students work on a Digital Business or E-Commerce challenge. An international student team will deliver digital solutions to your challenge. They work on understanding the problem, exploring viable solutions and create a solution to the best of their ability
Stage/ Afstudeeropdrachten voor HBO-ICT studenten - NHL Stenden Hogeschool
HBO-ICT studenten zijn op zoek naar een (afstudeer) stage waarin zij hun competenties kunnen aantonen. Het eindproduct van de afstudeerstage is een werkend softwaresysteem en een onderzoeksrapport.
Ontwikkelen van Software Apps / AI Solutions
Gedurende de minor Advanced Software Engineering, leren de derdejaars studenten van de opleiding HBO-ICT hun kennis toe te passen. Het eindproduct van de studenten: een werkend software systeem incl: Functioneel ontwerp • Technisch ontwerp • Softwareproduct • Infographic eindproduct
Communication Challenge '25
Let talented master students collaboratively solve your strategic communication challenges and provide recommendations for improvement.
MSc Entrepreneurship: Master Thesis 2024-2025
This is a space allocated for thesis topic matching between students and supervisors. (Not relevant for companies)
Hacketon Drones - ROCvA - Feb 25
Via een hackathon met studenten van verschillende opleidingen gaan we aan de slag om drone gerelateerde vragen voor bedrijven in te vullen en concrete vragen van bedrijven op te lossen en deze oplossingen uit te voeren in samenwerking met de bedrijven.
Rotterdam Consulting Club Projects - 2025
During the Business Challenge a team of carefully selected and highly motivated students from the Rotterdam Consulting Club will solve your business challenges, such as testing new value propositions, exploring new markets, boosting innovation, etc.
Entertainment Marketing Challenge 2025
Let talented master students help you with the marketing of your media or entertainment product.
Hospitality Research Lab - Hogere Hotelschool Den Haag - Feb 25
Tijdens het vak Hospitality Research Lab passen studenten hun onderzoeksvaardigheden toe om zo operationele processen te analyseren. Ze implementeren bovendien een (operationele) verbetering en meten de effecten hiervan op relevante criteria.
Business Excellence Challenge 2025
Let a team of talented international business students help you improve your organization! Think about receiving advice on how to deal with change, improve leadership, better integrating new business processes, etc. The team will provide you with relevant insights and hands-on recommendations.
Hospitality Research Lab - Hogere Hotelschool Amsterdam - Feb 25
Tijdens het vak Hospitality Research Lab passen studenten hun onderzoeksvaardigheden toe om zo operationele processen te analyseren. Ze implementeren bovendien een (operationele) verbetering en meten de effecten hiervan op relevante criteria.
Digital Marketing Campaign - ROC - Feb 25
You have secured a work placement in the marketing department of an organisation. At present, you are working with the digital marketing team. As part of your induction, they have asked that you plan and design a digital marketing campaign for the launch of a new product or service of your choice.
Feb. '25 Challenges Algemeen
Laat talentvolle HBO-ICT-studenten in (multidisciplinaire) teams werken aan een duurzame ICT-opdracht binnen jouw organisatie en profiteer van hun frisse kennis en ideeën.
Mobile Development - HvA - Feb 25
Tijdens dit project ontwikkelen HBO ICT-studenten in teamverband een Mobile App (Android/Kotlin). De volledige levenscyclus van het product wordt hierbij doorlopen: van eisen, ontwerp tot implementatie.
Online Marketing
Laat studenten helpen met een online marketing vraagstuk!
Prototype for Change 2025
Students are tasked with designing a website aimed at driving behavioral change in the contexts of climate change, surveillance, or health. The project involves iterative prototyping and testing phases, which include conducting focus groups and experiments to refine users’ experience and impact.
BSc Thesis 'Earth, Economy and Sustainability'
Third-year students from the BSc 'Earth, Economy and Sustainability' will write their thesis on various topics. It is a program equivalent to eight weeks of full-time study. Do you have an interesting research topic you could use the help of a student on? Feel free to submit your challenge!