
Social Entrepreneurship Challenge 2023

Period: 08-11-2023 - 15-12-2023Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Let talented students from the Master Entrepreneurship help you to start, improve, or boost your social impact.

Deadline has passed


In this course a team of master students will help you to start, improve, or boost your social impact.

This challenge deals with the question of how entrepreneurial activity can be a vehicle for creating a better world, an idea often described under the umbrella term “social entrepreneurship”.

✅ Key features of the challenge

  • Students per team: 4 students
  • Course: Social Entrepreneurship
  • Programme: Master Entrepreneurship
  • No. of hours spent per team: 150 hours
  • Deliverables: Presentation and report (in the form of slides) with recommendations
  • Company time investment: Your time involvement is 8-12 hours in total (e.g. weekly (short) meetings, interviews, final presentation, etc.)
  • Free of charge

📑 Main deliverable and challenge examples

The main deliverable is a to-the-point advisory report (mainly in the form of slides) and a presentation. The student teams can work on challenges like, but not limited to, the following:

  • Experiment with validity of new social/sustainable product and service offerings in specific markets.
  • Develop a communications and marketing strategy for our new social/sustainable product or service.
  • Investigate options for sustainable and social supply chains for a new product.
  • Identify valuable partnerships with NGOs, corporations, local government, etc. to increase our social impact.

🏢 Requirement for participating companies/organisations

  • Any company having a social/sustainable objective that is core to its business model.
  • At least two founders/employees working in the company.
  • In business for at least 6 months.
  • We encourage a wide variety of companies to apply and do not limit ourselves to a specific industry or sector.
  • Around 8-12 hours for the contact person (e.g., joining the (online) kick-off and final presentations, providing information, and answering questions).
  • Spending more time is fine of course.

📨 How to apply

Provide a title that summarises the challenge. Subsequently, briefly elaborate on your challenge (max 150 words). Click here for a template you could use.

🗓 Planning

  • October 20 (Extended): Deadline for submitting your challenge
  • October 23 (or sooner): Receiving message if your challenge is approved by the lecturer
  • November 3: Teams rank the challenges including a brief motivation why they want to solve this challenge. The companies receive an overview of the teams that have chosen their challenge.
  • November 6: The companies rank the teams that want to solve their challenge.
  • November 7: Our matching algorithm will create perfect matches. Matches are shared with the teams and companies.
  • November 8-10: Kick-off meeting with the teams
  • December 14 or 15, 9:00am - 1:00pm: Final presentations in time slots of 20 minutes (after you are matched to a team, we will schedule the time slots)

Questions? Want to discuss your challenge before submitting one? Feel free to schedule a call 👉 here.

Challenge submission expired

You can't submit new challenges for this space. Leave your details below and we will let you know when this space starts again.

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Want to discuss your challenge before submitting one?